
Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Unplanned marriages eventually fall on the rocks, if the partners involved fail to spot hidden negatives characters in their lovers during the stage of courtship.  The results of these broken homes is nothing but untold sufferings left to its luckless offsprings. Owing to this, a careful study and analysis must be performed by would-be couples before the rush to tie the knot. In this study, let’s discuss some factors or partner qualities to consider in choosing a marriageable girlfriend.

1.      Hard-working and determined: Personally, I prefer ladies who are hustlers in whatever they do. I want to see your zeal to succeed in your endeavors. Be passionate and serious in life. Don’t just hope to marry so that you could burden me.  Irrespective of the academic qualifications a woman has attained, a man shouldn’t be conclusive that she would make a good wife-material. The fact is that ladies with strong educational backgrounds tend be consumed by pride. Sometimes they try to rub shoulders with their partners. If you are a man who prefers highly educated girls, I advise you to upgrade your qualifications to be a bit higher than that of your partner’s. If not, later on it would be difficult to distinguish who has married who. Lol

2.      Beautiful and sexy: Mind you, men love it when their girlfriends are good-looking. Physical appearance is the number one feature that sells a woman to her potential boyfriend. No lady should ever trust a guy who says they don’t mind about beauty when choosing a girlfriend. To me, beauty is a character. I won’t be surprised if my affection for beauty stems from my poor physique? LMAO! Anyway, that is understandable. If you are an ugly man, better marry a beautiful woman, except that you want to give birth to a monster. In our modern society, no lady has an excuse to have poor appearance. Science has manufactured a lot of cosmetics for ladies to enhance their looks. The only problem is that naturally beautiful ladies who use a lot of make-ups eventually lose their beauty.

3.      Show Respect: Oh my god! This should have been the first point. Rude girls are a complete turn-off for many men. A man is a symbol of honor, so we value respect more than beauty. Any lady looking forward to a successful marriage should make sure she knows how to use a courteous language when interacting with their partner. Marriage extends it branches to all members of the extended and nuclear family systems, so men seek to marry women who know how to appropriately interact with their parents. A good wife-material should also be caring. Please have time for your partner. It is so annoying to call a girl and she intentionally refuses to answer. Women of late think that it is only men who should show concern and affection for them.

4.      Be understanding: Nothing bores a man more than a lady who doesn’t accept her mistakes. We see it as pride when we point at your mistakes but you constantly deny and advance unconvincing lame excuses. In the same vein, men expect their women to accept and forgive them when they go wrong.

5.      Be cheap: Girlfriends today have grown an insatiable desire for money. It is good to be money-loving, but don’t be over demanding and expect your boyfriend to be your source of income. It isn’t all the time we can settle your unnecessary bills. It is ok if you occasionally ask for money from your boyfriend, but please don’t make it a habit. Don’t use your boyfriend to be feeding your family. Your boyfriend equally has his own family financial troubles to sort out. It is very easy for boys to dump their girlfriends because they are so expensive.

6.      Don’t be a gold digger. A good girlfriend should be ready to hustle with me today, so that we can build a future together. I have a saying that, “Instead of looking for someone with future, why can’t you create a future with someone?” There is no need to be cheating on your broke boyfriend with sugar daddies. If you don’t believe in my future, just leave me alone in peace.

7.      Have a sense of humour. Girlfriends should nurture smiling faces and be fun to be with. Many girls crush on funny guys, but I can assure you that men also like girls who are entertaining. Don’t always wear that straight face. Give a smile, even when a boy cracks unfunny jokes. Laughter is necessary for healing conflicts and relieving worries.

8.      Don’t be a gossip. Few men would want to keep a girl who can’t keep secrets as a wife. You can’t go about telling your fellow friends about my weaknesses. How will they respect me, apart from their temptation to nickname me? Finally, there are other qualities of a good girlfriend not listed here. However, I would reserve that for part two of this write-up. You could also leave some comments below. I want to hear from you. Who or what makes a good wife-material? 
      Most importantly, PLEASE SHARE THIS. Thanks

Writer: Robert Abalungo(Bob Bright)
BSc. Physics, KNUST
Contact me on
Phone: 0549086173


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  2. Nice write up...the sky is not the limit

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  4. Be cheap hahaha... Great write up


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